
Benny’s Adventure

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ship in rough waters

The story Benny’s Adventure by Ben Andrews is filled with action, adventure, comedy and some romance mixed in. The beginning was slow and regular, nothing interesting happening. It was very hard to get into.

However despite the slow beginning, the story itself was a wonderful read. There were so many twists and turns this book took that it was unpredictable, which began to make me more and more curious about what was going to happen next. Eventually the level of drama reaches an impressively high point.

The conclusion of the story was great. It warmed my heart as I read it. It was filled with family, friendship and romance.

Creature of 24th Street Review

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Three monsters standing next to each other

The book Creature of 24th Street by Abigail Thorn was a good book. It was thrilling, romantic, and dramatic. I honestly couldn’t put it down. The way the writer wrote the scenes, the people, and the action, I felt as if I were actually there.

The beginning was actually very eventful. As I started reading my interest was piqued immediately. It was light hearted at first but as the story continued it seemed to get much more dark and eerie. There were times when I thought the mood was too grim to keep reading.

Of course, it wasn’t just all thrills. The story also carried romance within its pages.

The plot was also very creative and “out there.” You’d know that things that happened in the book could never happen in reality, but deep down you’d be thinking that someday they could be possible. What then?

The book had an interesting conclusion. It was filled with sadness and relief but also the uncertainty and paranoia that everyone in the book felt. The conclusion was probably the most stressful part in the book.

Creature of 24th Street is the kind of book that keepsyou at the edge of your seat. Out of a one to ten scale, I’d give this book a ten. To those who enjoy thrillers, read at your own risk. If you dare.

Angelica’s Diary

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Angelica’s Diary written by Angel Hollow made my emotions run high. The plot was well thought out; you could tell that the author put a lot of time and effort in writing this book.

The conclusion was at the same time expected but unexpected. It was expected because all of the evidence seemed to point to it, but it was unexpected because there seemed to have been some evidence that pointed toward a different ending.

As I read Angelica’s Diary, the characters seemed to have come to life. I felt as if I was reading a life story as I read the book. As I read the book I got the feeling that the author knew what she was writing about as if she herself experienced it. I have actually started to question if this book is fiction as we have been led to believe.